Hm... what have I been up to these days? Well, I've mostly been making some plans and building up the means to execute them. I'll be going to school part-time, working a job part-time; while I'm still reading thick tomes of fantasy and cosmology, and weaving maille to create impermanent body mods. You know, my usual mix of oddities that keeps my solitary moments interesting.
And then of course there's the socializing!
Musikfest is in full swing around here, and that means TONS of free concerts at which to chill with friends. Last night there was a very talented artist/DJ mixing up some great techno! Unfortunately that was in the polka tent, so they didn't have the lighting set up properly for a good, hard-core techno atmosphere.
Still, it was an all-around fun time, met up with my friend Jacqui from the soccer field I play at every Sunday and Thursday (awesome name, I'm going to need to remember that one for naming kids), and just had a blast. My friend Adam, who for some reason swears I'll inevitably be hired or killed by the CIA, tried to get me to loosen up and pick up a few moves, but 7 years of Shotokan karate has left me tainted. I remember dance-fighting in the clubs of Madrid, Barcelona, Florence, and Rome with a guy from my karate class. THAT is a blast, basically just sparring with rhythm, but nobody last night was willing to try it. Bah.
Maybe I'll be able to convince someone to give it a shot at Otakon. That's Friday the 19th through Sunday the 21st in Baltimore, and that, too, promises to be incredible fun. I'm WAY behind where I should be on making my Siefer Almasy costume (still need to MAKE a gunblade from scratch, bleach the trenchcoat I got from my friend white, sew a blue vest from material I haven't bought yet, and get my hands on some engineer boots) If anyone reading this is going to be at Otakon, feel free to let me know. Mayhaps we can meet up. Dorks need to stick together, of course.
This Saturday promises to be a bit of an experience Ive been invited, through a friend, to be an extra, just some random football fan for the Disney movie Invincible being filmed partly in Philadelphia. Itll pay 7-7.50 per hour for most of the day (starting 6:30am *doh*) with free food besides. VERY interesting, well see how it goes.
Then comes the great news..
Alright, so I'll be flying down to Orlando International with my dad on Monday the 22nd, ostensibly to pick up my stuff from the storage locker I left it in. Im sure I can convince him to leave me in Orlando for a night and a day if I can bum a ride into Daytona Beach later and I have a place to stay, which leaves me free to hang out with the people of SGFL.
Just let me know if that works for anyone, for I would LOVE to have a fare-well bash. Ill be happy to let anyone know the details.
And then of course there's the socializing!
Musikfest is in full swing around here, and that means TONS of free concerts at which to chill with friends. Last night there was a very talented artist/DJ mixing up some great techno! Unfortunately that was in the polka tent, so they didn't have the lighting set up properly for a good, hard-core techno atmosphere.
Still, it was an all-around fun time, met up with my friend Jacqui from the soccer field I play at every Sunday and Thursday (awesome name, I'm going to need to remember that one for naming kids), and just had a blast. My friend Adam, who for some reason swears I'll inevitably be hired or killed by the CIA, tried to get me to loosen up and pick up a few moves, but 7 years of Shotokan karate has left me tainted. I remember dance-fighting in the clubs of Madrid, Barcelona, Florence, and Rome with a guy from my karate class. THAT is a blast, basically just sparring with rhythm, but nobody last night was willing to try it. Bah.
Maybe I'll be able to convince someone to give it a shot at Otakon. That's Friday the 19th through Sunday the 21st in Baltimore, and that, too, promises to be incredible fun. I'm WAY behind where I should be on making my Siefer Almasy costume (still need to MAKE a gunblade from scratch, bleach the trenchcoat I got from my friend white, sew a blue vest from material I haven't bought yet, and get my hands on some engineer boots) If anyone reading this is going to be at Otakon, feel free to let me know. Mayhaps we can meet up. Dorks need to stick together, of course.
This Saturday promises to be a bit of an experience Ive been invited, through a friend, to be an extra, just some random football fan for the Disney movie Invincible being filmed partly in Philadelphia. Itll pay 7-7.50 per hour for most of the day (starting 6:30am *doh*) with free food besides. VERY interesting, well see how it goes.
Then comes the great news..
Alright, so I'll be flying down to Orlando International with my dad on Monday the 22nd, ostensibly to pick up my stuff from the storage locker I left it in. Im sure I can convince him to leave me in Orlando for a night and a day if I can bum a ride into Daytona Beach later and I have a place to stay, which leaves me free to hang out with the people of SGFL.
Just let me know if that works for anyone, for I would LOVE to have a fare-well bash. Ill be happy to let anyone know the details.
How are u my love?

awww honey anything to make u smile that what im here for sweetie