Todays been very weird.

I woke up super late, at about 2pm. My inbox had a message from my boss at Fujitsu saying he wanted to see me and to bring a book I borrowed a month ago back. Apparently the president of our company will be visiting Friday and I need to get my program polished. So, Im definitely going in to work all...
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lol you didn't tell me about the guy in the bathroom!!
Radnomly, I have the exact dress that joey is wearing in her set.
I have quite a bit to get done. My goals for the next two weeks are:
* Keep up with reading for classes - aprox 500 pages (next week is blessedly light)
* Do stat homework - two problem sets, about 20 problems total
* Complete all CS projects - a big one for OS and a small one for AI
* Put in ~13...
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I'm not sure what to do ...

My current plans are:
Monday - cricket purchasing with lynxkarma. Monster (her lizard) must be fed!
Tuesday - bubble tea with an old friend (Lindsay), perhapsish. Probably not
Wednesday - Photography club - I must go!
Thursday - Taking photos of the candlelight vigil for tsunami victims
Friday - the usual pagan meeting and the campus production...
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Friday - the usual pagan meeting and the campus production of The Vagina Monologues , that sounds like fun
lol 4 out of the 5 days i'm involved in
Photos from a nearby apartment building that's under construction. 17 floors.
I was reading this entry in lj_research about the friends graph of LJ. kim_jong_il__ is listed as a friend by 3,438 users, ranking #5 in all of LiveJournal. Two of the others are in russian (so I have no idea what they're about), another is just quizzes, and #4 is status (the status journal).

Anywho, Stabby and I were wondering if they were AIM conversations...
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it was pic 14 i liked

lol on the 30min project that your teacher was trying to scare you about.
I randomly wrote this last night:
Diner, diner, shining bright
In the middle of the night
What famished mouth or eye
Could forgo thy delightful cookery

I bet William Blake wishes he had a diner to write about.

Friday I spent at work, of course. My boss seems to like my plans for writing a parser to compliment the lexer recently proposed in PEAR. I...
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I've realized that 2004 was a big year for me. I sought treatment for my various mood disorders. My first serious relationship was declared over. She's still an awesome girl and I hope to see her again someday. I started doing work in my field, with my jobs at the Naval Research Lab and Fujitsu Laboratories of America. I've started crossdressing and enjoy it. I've...
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That's a lot of life content in one year. A good dose of self-discovery, romance and loss, day jobs and art. Nice!
I finally uploaded some photos. The first batch, "university view", is left over from when I went poking around that apartment building a couple weeks ago. I also posted some photos of myself wearing some of my christmas presents. The first few show me in a dress that neverbreathe sent me. The last bunch are a corset and skirt I got for myself, sort...
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i like your christmas presents alot...i especially like them on you!! thanks for sharing.