Now ex-president Gerald Ford will fall over something innocuous; like maybe the Democratic party.
I wish we had some canadian equivalent for Ford, some politician who falls a lot in public and is impersonated in the opening of SNL. (That's old school SNL when chevy chase was on it and still funny.) We don't even have Rene Levesque anymore to make fun of. Oh sure Chretien, is on 22 minutes all the time but we can't laugh the same way as at old Rene, that sour old pisser, ah mon dieu. Canadian politics just doesn't have the same kind of humour it once had; politics in general I think. We seem to take it all too seriously and c'mon lets face it, it's just an old boys club that we have a window seat at. Oh sure we might be washing the window from the outside and making minimum wage for it but still it's pretty close. I really feel that I share a lot with the politicians; apparently most of them do too. Here's a quote;
" I don't think we need to raise the minimum wage, all the people I know who make it are doing fine."
Alberta minister of employment; probably talking about his maids and limo driver. Those are the only folks I can think of that he might actually know in order to say that.
Yes my brain is off on some weird shit today but oh well. I'm gonna go and grab a beer and some wings with a couple buddies.
In case you missed it; no date tonight; c'est la vie or tabernac; I haven't decided yet.
later days
I wish we had some canadian equivalent for Ford, some politician who falls a lot in public and is impersonated in the opening of SNL. (That's old school SNL when chevy chase was on it and still funny.) We don't even have Rene Levesque anymore to make fun of. Oh sure Chretien, is on 22 minutes all the time but we can't laugh the same way as at old Rene, that sour old pisser, ah mon dieu. Canadian politics just doesn't have the same kind of humour it once had; politics in general I think. We seem to take it all too seriously and c'mon lets face it, it's just an old boys club that we have a window seat at. Oh sure we might be washing the window from the outside and making minimum wage for it but still it's pretty close. I really feel that I share a lot with the politicians; apparently most of them do too. Here's a quote;
" I don't think we need to raise the minimum wage, all the people I know who make it are doing fine."
Alberta minister of employment; probably talking about his maids and limo driver. Those are the only folks I can think of that he might actually know in order to say that.
Yes my brain is off on some weird shit today but oh well. I'm gonna go and grab a beer and some wings with a couple buddies.
In case you missed it; no date tonight; c'est la vie or tabernac; I haven't decided yet.

later days