Yesterday was good if not a little scattered. The space we had for rehearsal was triple booked, with some woman bitching about how they should have had the whole building, (the spirit of sharing in adversity is lost on some people). So we hung out for a bit trying to organize other space when they offered us some space in the alberta ballet company school, we grabbed it of course after only an hour or so of looking on our own. We piled everyone into cars and convoyed over grabbed fresh coffees; and lo and behold if things didn't actually work finally. It all sorta came together and with only a few minor incidents, like breaking two of my toes, and straining a back muscle. Ah well, the back is better today and all you can do with toes is tape em together and keep going.
I got home and made dinner had a beer and then boom, out like a light; it might have been the back pills but I feel wicked today so I won't complain. Work tonight will hopefully be slow so I can hang out and relax, maybe read a bit. Then a whole day off
and not a damn thing to do with it. I may not get out of bed, no I probably will unless I have company which is unlikely but a guy can hope, pray, make offerings to the gods.
Time for some coffee and breakfast, Must kill a few hours before work in some fashion.
Blowgun or maybe a good old tyme knife duel.
I got home and made dinner had a beer and then boom, out like a light; it might have been the back pills but I feel wicked today so I won't complain. Work tonight will hopefully be slow so I can hang out and relax, maybe read a bit. Then a whole day off

Time for some coffee and breakfast, Must kill a few hours before work in some fashion.
Blowgun or maybe a good old tyme knife duel.
ming, yes, artificial flavoring was added. That quote was said as we began to sip our tea. There were more quotes, but who has time to decipher them?