Whee, sometimes I almost think I should take my meds again but then I eat right and exercise and actually follow the advice of my doctors and those thoughts vanish. Usually along with the randomly pshychotic thoughts that cause me to ride the emotional rollercoaster.
I love my roasting pan, you throw a bunch of stuff in it and out comes food in about 40mins, that is often delicious, surprisingly easy and filling. Along with a nice chardonnay, I had a really nice dinner; ok so it might have been nicer to share it with someone but lets not pick nits here.
There is someone I wanted to share lots of stuff with but she's a fair ways away right now; I did call her and tell her I'm thinking of her but she wasn't home. Ah well, there is always tomorrow. Yes I was feeling a bit low yesterday and a little lonely but I chatted with an ex tonight and am feeling better. She is heavily smitten with a wonderful fella and those feelings are quite contagious. Plus it was warm yesterday and some of today but now it's cooling down again and I love the cold. I say that too often maybe, but it's so true. I wear shorts in -20, I go winter camping in 5ft snow drifts, I relax in my hammock in snow storms, ok maybe I'm strange but ah well at least I can say I'm cool.
(utah phillips is on zedtv on cbc tonight and he's a crazy cool storyteller/hobo/songwriter)
I love my roasting pan, you throw a bunch of stuff in it and out comes food in about 40mins, that is often delicious, surprisingly easy and filling. Along with a nice chardonnay, I had a really nice dinner; ok so it might have been nicer to share it with someone but lets not pick nits here.
There is someone I wanted to share lots of stuff with but she's a fair ways away right now; I did call her and tell her I'm thinking of her but she wasn't home. Ah well, there is always tomorrow. Yes I was feeling a bit low yesterday and a little lonely but I chatted with an ex tonight and am feeling better. She is heavily smitten with a wonderful fella and those feelings are quite contagious. Plus it was warm yesterday and some of today but now it's cooling down again and I love the cold. I say that too often maybe, but it's so true. I wear shorts in -20, I go winter camping in 5ft snow drifts, I relax in my hammock in snow storms, ok maybe I'm strange but ah well at least I can say I'm cool.

(utah phillips is on zedtv on cbc tonight and he's a crazy cool storyteller/hobo/songwriter)
Thanks for the hugs and cuddles. 

yeha i have been on a emotional roller coaster also....when do you get on the internet usualy...cause then i would know when to catch you so we can talk