Morning all, I slept the slumber of the dead and arise fresh like flowers in spring. Yesterday was filled with drama and I just didn't feel like giving it any clarity; still don't.
I think my thermostats on the fritz, it seems a bit colder in the house. I don't mind but anytime all of my cats are trying to snuggle under the blankets and not kill each other is a good indication that something is awry.
Ok I don't have anything else to say, I just caught myself staring into space for who knows how long, so I 'll just go and have some coffee.
later days. wade
I think my thermostats on the fritz, it seems a bit colder in the house. I don't mind but anytime all of my cats are trying to snuggle under the blankets and not kill each other is a good indication that something is awry.
Ok I don't have anything else to say, I just caught myself staring into space for who knows how long, so I 'll just go and have some coffee.
later days. wade
Thanks, I like best wishes and hugs.