Firstly, thank you's go out for all my wellwishers; I am better but still tender. Luckily I have left over T3's which make things all tingly instead of stabby. I have the day off tomorrow and I shall spend it horizontally alone *sigh*. Probably for the best as too much activity makes the tender tummy throb. The show is at the end of march and no one I know will be there as I just found out that tickets for this gala are $125.00 a pop. That's going to be a really good party and I get in free and get to perform, so I definately want to stay in good health till after the benefit.
Uhm, work yeah, time and a half today, and thats enough about that.
There was outside the window the flash of something dark upon a bright sky and in turning to glimpse what I assumed to be a shadow of a passing truck; I stared into the blinking eye of a beast of yore. The man in the moon was politely tapping on my window and since we're friends, I pulled over, rolled down the glass and smiled asking; what brought him into town in the midday rush?
"I've locked myself out again and need my spare keys, I've got a date with the girl in the world tonight and I need to freshen up." He replied; and since I knew of this ongoing courtship, I of course would assist as best I could. They had been flirting for centuries but he had just recently worked up the courage to ask her out. I hastened back home and got his keys for him at which point he thanked me and nervously left to make the most of the evening. I turned to go in and the faint smile I wore was as much for him as it was for me; there is just something about love that even tho I may not be in it I seem to always be a party to it. I never will understand how eros got bored of the job that we started so long ago. Was it that he stopped believing in it or people stopped believing in him? That's the best thing about being a silent partner, no one really knows you exsist, they just sort of sense it.
Uhm, work yeah, time and a half today, and thats enough about that.
There was outside the window the flash of something dark upon a bright sky and in turning to glimpse what I assumed to be a shadow of a passing truck; I stared into the blinking eye of a beast of yore. The man in the moon was politely tapping on my window and since we're friends, I pulled over, rolled down the glass and smiled asking; what brought him into town in the midday rush?
"I've locked myself out again and need my spare keys, I've got a date with the girl in the world tonight and I need to freshen up." He replied; and since I knew of this ongoing courtship, I of course would assist as best I could. They had been flirting for centuries but he had just recently worked up the courage to ask her out. I hastened back home and got his keys for him at which point he thanked me and nervously left to make the most of the evening. I turned to go in and the faint smile I wore was as much for him as it was for me; there is just something about love that even tho I may not be in it I seem to always be a party to it. I never will understand how eros got bored of the job that we started so long ago. Was it that he stopped believing in it or people stopped believing in him? That's the best thing about being a silent partner, no one really knows you exsist, they just sort of sense it.

nice little tale....yeup you better stay in shape mister wouldn't want strain muscles anymore doing something more strainious