Um, my day shall be summed up in three words;
"Oh shit, ouch."
I kinda over extended a bit and now my side is on fire,
( it's just a spasm; It's not a hernia, or a tear or anything bad; it's not, it's not, it's not.)
So rehearsal was good except for a little incident, I was just screwing around doing some handstands and flippy things when I zigged when I shoulda zagged. As long as I sit in an almost fetal position I'm good, please don't ask me to sit up or anything else that requires using my stomach muscles. I'm on my way into a really hot bath right after simpsons. I'll stretch later when I'm warm and all will be well, it couldn't have happened when I'm throwing myself all over the place, no, just a stupid handstand. I'll get that stupid handstand next time, then we'll see who's boss.
If I wasn't such a clutz, I'ld never have any fun at all. It's all part of saving the grace for the stage, yeah thats it.
Ok simpsons over, me get wet now. It's tub time.
later babies.
"Oh shit, ouch."
I kinda over extended a bit and now my side is on fire,
( it's just a spasm; It's not a hernia, or a tear or anything bad; it's not, it's not, it's not.)
So rehearsal was good except for a little incident, I was just screwing around doing some handstands and flippy things when I zigged when I shoulda zagged. As long as I sit in an almost fetal position I'm good, please don't ask me to sit up or anything else that requires using my stomach muscles. I'm on my way into a really hot bath right after simpsons. I'll stretch later when I'm warm and all will be well, it couldn't have happened when I'm throwing myself all over the place, no, just a stupid handstand. I'll get that stupid handstand next time, then we'll see who's boss.
If I wasn't such a clutz, I'ld never have any fun at all. It's all part of saving the grace for the stage, yeah thats it.

Ok simpsons over, me get wet now. It's tub time.
later babies.
hopefully by now you have a computer screen suspended from the ceiling above your bed, so you can surf sg without having to sit up.
sorry to hear about your "it" "body" "hyperextended members" the last time i did a cartwheel or handstand was about four years ago. yeah, same type of thing that happened to you, but not quite so bad
thanks for stopping by...i read some of your journal and you seem interesting. i'll be around...
Hey....any excuse for a hot bath....