So I got my lip done, nice little steel ring on the right side. The day was good, I think, after rehearsal it just kinda got away from me. I ran some errands, made a nice barbeque salmon and shrimp jambalaya for dinner and have drifted around the house in and out of consciousness like a ghost. I was just sitting at the window watching the snow fall and the world wander by when I snapped awake. I'm still a little foggy, that struggling towards awake from deep slumber but the blankets are just too comfy to quite wake all the way kind of thing. Maybe I'll just stay in the dream state and read a bit and have a beer, that sounds good. I was gonna go to sunday skool but that seems to not have happened; ah well the snow seems to have stalled most everyone today so I'm probably not missing much tonight, drink specials are done anyways.
Wait I'm waking up a bit; it's only 11:30 and there is still plenty of time to go out. Hmmmm maybe I'll make some calls. It's nice to be terribly erratic sometimes
Wait I'm waking up a bit; it's only 11:30 and there is still plenty of time to go out. Hmmmm maybe I'll make some calls. It's nice to be terribly erratic sometimes

anywho sorry about not talking ealier..the boy needed me...hope to talk sometime soon...i'm always up all night
did you end up dreaming with a beer or going out?