Soomething odd has been at the edges of my perception lately; optically my subconscious has been providing overlays upon reality. In a word halucinations, either that or I'm seeing ghosts. I have in the past few months been catching glimpses of people out of the corner of my eye, and in human form turned my focus to people watch; the problem here is that where there should be someone to watch there is nothing. Possibly ducked around the corner? Sure I could give that a shot, but not in the middle of an expanse of a field or on a street with no turn offs. Not; and this was a freaky one that happened tonight; behind me as I passed a mirror. I am to put it mildly a little wigged out.
No, no psychotropics or halucinagenics for the better part of 10 yrs; the closest I've been was mushrooms and it's been about 3yrs since that so........ I'm at a loss. Have I reawakened some lost talent lying dormant in me or am I just going a little batty;
that's funny I meant to say awakened and am pretty sure I typed that.
Mostly I'm just curious and well a bit edgy but it's nothing bad just those cold shivers and a sense of something, sortof there. Anyways just curious if it's maybe an occurance anyone can relate too.
No, no psychotropics or halucinagenics for the better part of 10 yrs; the closest I've been was mushrooms and it's been about 3yrs since that so........ I'm at a loss. Have I reawakened some lost talent lying dormant in me or am I just going a little batty;
that's funny I meant to say awakened and am pretty sure I typed that.
Mostly I'm just curious and well a bit edgy but it's nothing bad just those cold shivers and a sense of something, sortof there. Anyways just curious if it's maybe an occurance anyone can relate too.

my mom used to see people, though. she hasn't had any "psychic" stuffs happen in a long time, because she tried astral projection the last time she dabbled in any of that, and almost couldn't get back into her body (this whas when she was in her late teens/early 20s).. she saw ghosts sometimes...
oh - and i saw an angel once. standing at the foot of my bed. and i was totally awake - i woke up, saw an angel, drifted back to sleep, realized "what the fuck, there was something there and it looked like it belonged on a christmas card..." opened my eyes, it was gone. nobody else had come in during that period of time.
sorry for the overlong response - this is an idea that fascinates me..