I spent the day in the guise of my totem, prowling and looking for frail and tender sweets to fall upon with a horrendous yet gracefully fluid crash.
I was not supposed to work today, I was supposed to spend all day in rehearsals; this however was not to be as my trusted co-worker got horribly "sick" just in time to not cover my shift like he was scheduled to. Instead I only got in 2hrs of rehearsal with no warm up, no cool down and a lot of fucking work; the work was fun and good but I am now a sad and sore little dancing lad. In my mad dash of an extended lunch break I may have over extended my knee, I am icing it now and it has not swelled too much and for the rest of me a hot bath later with my knee carefully elevated out of the water. Goddamn mother fucking shit eating prick of a halitosic yuppy fuck.
I feel moderately better.
I've covered shifts for him when I was sick or hung over and it just pisses me off that he couldn't because he doesn't like to work sundays. This has encapsulated my resolve and the job hunt begins after brekky tomorrow and knowing how big of a shock it's gonna be when they find out I'm going; makes me feel better but worse too. I don't want to feel petty about this, it's not worth it but I don't get the credit I feel I deserve so.....
ah fuck it I've been there too long anyways, it's like a relationship. If you're not having fun anymore you should try to fix it but if only one side is committed it's time to cut your losses and get out alive.
wow that sounded bitter, anyways to something good, dancing was great, fabulous but man am I in need of some working out. I had troulble lifting these tiny girls over my head after 20mins, so it's time for the gym once again. I have about a month till the show so I should be ok and it is so much fun to be relaxed and tired and working so hard again. I love it
plus lots of hard bodies everywhere, how is that not the best job ever.
Ok thats enough for now time for a beer and more ice, later lovelies.
I was not supposed to work today, I was supposed to spend all day in rehearsals; this however was not to be as my trusted co-worker got horribly "sick" just in time to not cover my shift like he was scheduled to. Instead I only got in 2hrs of rehearsal with no warm up, no cool down and a lot of fucking work; the work was fun and good but I am now a sad and sore little dancing lad. In my mad dash of an extended lunch break I may have over extended my knee, I am icing it now and it has not swelled too much and for the rest of me a hot bath later with my knee carefully elevated out of the water. Goddamn mother fucking shit eating prick of a halitosic yuppy fuck.
I feel moderately better.
I've covered shifts for him when I was sick or hung over and it just pisses me off that he couldn't because he doesn't like to work sundays. This has encapsulated my resolve and the job hunt begins after brekky tomorrow and knowing how big of a shock it's gonna be when they find out I'm going; makes me feel better but worse too. I don't want to feel petty about this, it's not worth it but I don't get the credit I feel I deserve so.....
ah fuck it I've been there too long anyways, it's like a relationship. If you're not having fun anymore you should try to fix it but if only one side is committed it's time to cut your losses and get out alive.
wow that sounded bitter, anyways to something good, dancing was great, fabulous but man am I in need of some working out. I had troulble lifting these tiny girls over my head after 20mins, so it's time for the gym once again. I have about a month till the show so I should be ok and it is so much fun to be relaxed and tired and working so hard again. I love it

Ok thats enough for now time for a beer and more ice, later lovelies.