home again, home again jiggeddy jig.
Hello J.S.
Kicked back a couple with a buddy of mine after work and now I have to sleep as I'm working the turn around tomorrow. Nights into days, ah well I like the day shift better, much more to do and not so much standing around. I have a couple beers and a mild herbal to help me on my way so, it shant be too difficult.
The odd thing is I use words like shant in everyday conversation. Mayhaps that is why the odd stares?
Hello J.S.
Kicked back a couple with a buddy of mine after work and now I have to sleep as I'm working the turn around tomorrow. Nights into days, ah well I like the day shift better, much more to do and not so much standing around. I have a couple beers and a mild herbal to help me on my way so, it shant be too difficult.
The odd thing is I use words like shant in everyday conversation. Mayhaps that is why the odd stares?

i'm impressed that you can put yourself to sleep that easily. sounds like a useful skill.
thanks for the kind words regarding the thesis... i'm trying to relax, but i'm just not a relaxing kind of girl much of the time. it helps an awful lot to hear it from people, though.