Home, sweet sanctum from reality. Another day in dullsville; it is really begining to wear heavily on me. I hate being bored at work, and there isn't anything to do about it since I'm the guy that is making up jobs for everyone else and there just isn't enough work to go round. I have a day off tomorrow and that should help, I'm going to do mundane stuff like house work but also I'm gonna start seperating things to sell and get the hell out of my life. I seem to collect things from ex roommates and never say anything cause I'm a nice guy or an idiot; I mean c'mon who needs 5 couches and yet they are here 4 of them in storage in the basement. Along with assorted other crap that I think is long overdue getting the heave ho, it should be fun and even a little cathartic emotionally. I've got something that is twisting me into knots and I don't know what, I'm on edge and irrational and emotionally all over and I ache everywhere and my back is just nuts and I have no clue as to whats bugging me. Hopefully I'll have an epiphany and it will all become clear.
Anyhoo, I think I'm going out tonight I need to unwind and relax.
Maybe I'll get lucky and find someone to help
if only it was so easy.
Anyhoo, I think I'm going out tonight I need to unwind and relax.
Maybe I'll get lucky and find someone to help

Wow, I totally didn't think of that.