Incorporated into the realm of obsolescence is a phrase for the functioning of my brain.
I walked over the shattered remnants of an image of myself and cut my feet to ribbons; the blood trailed back to another self holding a bat standing over the spot where one of me stood. I never liked him much anyways and the guy with the bat has a better smile. So many dreams waiting to bear fruit, so many rotting on the vine perhaps I should distill them into moonshine and suckle a bottle of it all night long. All of the years dreams and visions fortified into an ambrosia bent on removing the testimony of reality.
I liked this dream; a kitten walked up to me, meowed scratched my hand then curled up in my lap; when I woke up the kitten was gone and all I have left is the claw marks in the shape of a name. I really liked that kitten she played rough and had great markings.
Numbers, numbers, numbers and no letters everyone worries about the #'s and forgets the other things that make more of a difference. Sublime subliminal sublingual it's all there underneath and all you have to do is see it, or through it. Easy as pie or the answer is pie; to what decimal, I don't know.
Rant and shake your fist till the sky clears and the storm moves on, or moves in whatever your pleasure.
fine, thanks for asking.
I walked over the shattered remnants of an image of myself and cut my feet to ribbons; the blood trailed back to another self holding a bat standing over the spot where one of me stood. I never liked him much anyways and the guy with the bat has a better smile. So many dreams waiting to bear fruit, so many rotting on the vine perhaps I should distill them into moonshine and suckle a bottle of it all night long. All of the years dreams and visions fortified into an ambrosia bent on removing the testimony of reality.
I liked this dream; a kitten walked up to me, meowed scratched my hand then curled up in my lap; when I woke up the kitten was gone and all I have left is the claw marks in the shape of a name. I really liked that kitten she played rough and had great markings.
Numbers, numbers, numbers and no letters everyone worries about the #'s and forgets the other things that make more of a difference. Sublime subliminal sublingual it's all there underneath and all you have to do is see it, or through it. Easy as pie or the answer is pie; to what decimal, I don't know.
Rant and shake your fist till the sky clears and the storm moves on, or moves in whatever your pleasure.
fine, thanks for asking.

damn are actualy doinf something