Mwahahahahaha, ok so my journal button is working again and here is todays thingy.

Well it's my weekend and I must say it's starting out in a grand fashion.
I got home the journal update button was waiting for moi.
Have to go to the folks for dinner tonight but tomorrow is the real festive day, Our sg crew is getting together for an orphans feast and it's gonna be sooooo much goodness. A little bird, some tofurkey, veggies and pies and food glorious food, maybe some herbal for after din din and some alcamahol to wash it all down. Ah holidays even when they're made up it's a good time.
I must get to the store today and buy ingredients for the potluck, then I will cook in the morning and hook up with everyone in the afternoon. yay , looks like it will be a good turn out too. Ok I must hit the ground running so I will be off. Have a super day my lovelies.
spanks and snuggles

Well it's my weekend and I must say it's starting out in a grand fashion.

Have to go to the folks for dinner tonight but tomorrow is the real festive day, Our sg crew is getting together for an orphans feast and it's gonna be sooooo much goodness. A little bird, some tofurkey, veggies and pies and food glorious food, maybe some herbal for after din din and some alcamahol to wash it all down. Ah holidays even when they're made up it's a good time.
I must get to the store today and buy ingredients for the potluck, then I will cook in the morning and hook up with everyone in the afternoon. yay , looks like it will be a good turn out too. Ok I must hit the ground running so I will be off. Have a super day my lovelies.
spanks and snuggles

a "little bird"? "little"?!?? you have angered the turkey gods. but all will be forgiven if my submit journal button is there today.