Oh man my poor tender head is suffering from the great gnashings and bashings of a night well and truly spent in the folds of the muse.
Ticktock and I went to a backyard poetry/ kegger event last night and it was a fucking fabulous time. The writers were all great with humour and depth in mass amounts. It was really solid, confident and sexy as hell. Everyone was actually, it's a great feeling to go to something and realize just how good your community of people and friends are at the things they do. Gives me faith in the realm of consciousness we call society, the cops didn't even show up till like 2 and they just asked for the amps, speakers and other audio accoutrement to be moved inside, such nice young men.
I had an excellent night filled with wonder and the subtleties of the soul which make you feel alive and can only hope that yours was as festive my lovelies.
spanks and snuggles
Ticktock and I went to a backyard poetry/ kegger event last night and it was a fucking fabulous time. The writers were all great with humour and depth in mass amounts. It was really solid, confident and sexy as hell. Everyone was actually, it's a great feeling to go to something and realize just how good your community of people and friends are at the things they do. Gives me faith in the realm of consciousness we call society, the cops didn't even show up till like 2 and they just asked for the amps, speakers and other audio accoutrement to be moved inside, such nice young men.

I had an excellent night filled with wonder and the subtleties of the soul which make you feel alive and can only hope that yours was as festive my lovelies.
spanks and snuggles
Ahh...hang and focus. Delightful times... I'm more of a sound nerd myself. That or a carpenter. Power tools are my friend. 

I can't help it...