well kids, that about does it for me! My membership to this fantastic site officially ends on the 17th of this month. I've met so many wonderful people, and it was somewhat theraputic keeping up a journal that like-minded people had the option to read and comment on. It's interesting looking back on all of my past journal entries. A lot has happened to me within the span of a year, and little bit was well captured on this site. But i am simply way too busy right now with so many different things that i'm working to keep up sg journal
and way to focused on other things to write genuine remarks in yours. I feel obligated to write more than..."oooo that's a sexy picture
" or ...." gee that sucks about yer grandma
" You deserve better. But, feel free to contact/e-mail me at any time. Don't be shy! I've requested all of your friendships because i think you're all awesome and interesting, and i totally dug all of the members i have met and hung out with, and i'd like to meet more! So all of that being said... I wish you the best
you fucking perverts!!!
forever yer buddy,
Adam Robbins aka 'add'
and way to focused on other things to write genuine remarks in yours. I feel obligated to write more than..."oooo that's a sexy picture

you fucking perverts!!!

forever yer buddy,
Adam Robbins aka 'add'
I'll miss you!