I've been digging my job a lot lately, it doesn't pay well but I am getting to know a lot of the customers and finally making some good tips. The people I work with are fucking rad. All very interesting and down to earth. I get free bread, coffee, not bad at all. The girls next door are so pretty and funny and love to flirt with me which actually makes me feel a lot better than I let on. So why do I feel slightly miserable today? I opened today which I love, beautiful rainy morning, the bakery filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pasteries. Few laughs, made tips, yadda yadda. I came home and I felt like shit, that's when I realized it is because i in fact am home. Now that's bad. No day job( no matter how great it is) should make make you want to stay after your 8 hrs are up and skip the comfort of the place your busting your ass to pay for usually promises. I then have reflected back to the last three months of living here with my roommate and it hit me. The guy's depressing as hell. He is miserable and it is infecting the whole vibe and physical state of our apartment. This place feels like a fucking cave and I hate coming home to it. No matter how hard I try to keep it clean it never is enough it seems, no matter how many windows I open, the air still feels heavy and stale, and I can't get any sunshine what-so-ever. And he only works and comes straight home to talk for hours on the phone with, you guessed it, HIS FUCKING GIRLFRIEND BACK HOME!!!! Man, I can relate, believe me I've been there, but i'm over it. It's been bugging me and I've been completely ignoring it this whole time until finally I realized, I would rather stay at the fucking bakery then to come home. By the way, we live in a onebedroom apartment and he's in the living room just incase anybody has actually read this far and had the brilliant suggestion to tell him to stay in his room. I know I can stay in my room, but come on, not all the time. So I have decided, after the lease is up in three months, I am finding my own place and I am very excited about it to say the least. (even though I said a little too much about everything else before I got to my point.) He's a good guy, don't get me wrong, but 6 more months of this shit. Or a slightly more expensive place all to myself with a giant bookshelf filled with all my books, records,cds,DVD's and videos. Walls covered with all of my paintings and my collection of traded art. A little love seat and small dining room table and chairs for company ( which i will finally not be embarassed to have over once in awhile ). The thought of all this makes me salivate. It's time to upgrade my life a little!!!!

Oh well, nothing I can do till the money starts coming in.
I called you a couple times before New Years, but I never got through. I ended up stuck in Phoenix, which sucked.
Any job openings at your bakery? I'm applyong at Frys Electronics, Best Buy, and a few others tomorrow. The coffee shop hired me, sort of, but they don't need anyone untill February.