Hello, how are you? I'm fine. I just had a great couple of days off. First I got invited to a party in hollywood actually thrown in a giant house designed and built by Frank Lloyd Write. Live music, free booze, very trendy hollywood of course, but sometimes that can be just as cool if you roll with a group of down to earth people. Had many interesting conversations with random people. Kissed a couple of pretty girls. It's amazing how many girls approach a guy if he just hangs out and doesn't hit on them, and when they finally do approach him he is interested in what they have to say. That helps to. Then the next day I drove to San Diego to hang out with a buddy I went to high school with in Reno which was great. He has a beautiful apartment a stone throw away from the ocean. We BBQ'd had many drinks and reminissed( that has to be spelled wrong. ) All in all these days were much needed, and I feel refreshed!!! Now to all of your journals to comment!!! CHIMCHIMCHERIEEE!!!!!!!!!!
My roomates went to a Groundlings show on Sunday for Sam's birthday. Where you there? I didn't see you, probably because I wasn't invited
And yes. I totally ripped off Casablanca there. But not before Bogart ripped off Return of the Living Dead.