Ahhh 25! I am truly a man now!!! I am writing this with my shirt off exposing my broad, hairy chest and muscles and I'm chewing on a very rare hunk of meat. Thank you all so much for the B-Day wishes!!! It really meant a lot to come home, drink some vino, and read your comments. It was sort of a lonely day, being in a new place and not celebrating with friends and family. I decided to skip class and stay home by myself and just watch Charlie Chaplin shorts all night. But the people at my work suprised me with a cake, I got a lot of great phone calls, and of course, you guys were awesome!!! All in all it wasn't a bad birthday, and I'm happy

Ummm, yeah. I'll have to give you a call tomorrow, once I figure out when we're boozing it up.

Grrr... you manly man you!