Since the last time I updated I have been film by a CNN camera crew in my bakery being interviewed, have of it being total bullshit because I don't know that much about our bakery yet but it aires in January, met Julia Luie Dreyfus and took bacon of of her premade turkey and bacon sandwhich and she tipped me 2bucks, hung out with the adorable and extremely cool SG member Margot_Dent which I admit was pretty awkward for me at first because I never thought I would actually meet and hang out with someone I know from a porn site one on one but went out for some really grubbin ice cream sandwhiches. NumNum
<this is the closest any of these little douchebag faces are to licking their lips. I made plans to paint with this really cool girl I met in her studio. She paints really beautiful ciyscapes with oil and it will hopefully inspire me to get my brush moving again, signed up for a class, and got two parking tickets. That's it.

I meant to say "half" not have. You'll figure it out.