Be forwarned I'm a little drunk right now.
I was in a 6 year relationship. Dated in high school, engaged and living with her for 3years. Broke up and got back together for about a year and a half. haven't seen her at all this year until recently. But after this whole year I've had a lot of time to reflect back on my life with her and realized I did everything I could to destroy it many times. But that I still truly love her even now with all of my heart and soul. And that I want her to be a part of my life for as long as I live. I saw her a week ago, and found out that the year we didn't talk she was dating a complete douchebag, but they broke up because he cheated on her. ( Inever once cheated on her by the way) I guess she really didn't like him that much anyway.
Fuck that guy! Anyways, I feel that if I stick around and put effort into it she would take me back. But I've decided to leave and begin to persue my dreams and stuff which sounds corny but whatever. But I still need her so bad. It was tough being with her. At first a little uncormfortable and distant but then everything calmed, and I loved talking to her. I've talked more in a couple hours with her than I have to anyone all year. Our faces became closer until we were about three inches away. I love listening to her talk, I love her laugh. WE held each other, carressd my chest and biceps like she used to as I kissed and inhaled the back of her neck. She smells soooooo good. I've hurt her in so many ways that I couldn't bring myself to try again because I know I'd hurt her again because I have a lot of unfinished business to attend to. So I have to let that piece of our reltionship die. But I really want to begin and build a strong friendship with her. Before when we broke up all those other times I was too controlling and jealous to just be friends but now I am mature. Quick note, I'm living with my parents before I move to Cali to save money and my dad just walked in and I'm pretty sure he knows I'm drunk...yes he knows. I'm gonna go fuck with him a little. I love all of youy!!!!!!!
I was in a 6 year relationship. Dated in high school, engaged and living with her for 3years. Broke up and got back together for about a year and a half. haven't seen her at all this year until recently. But after this whole year I've had a lot of time to reflect back on my life with her and realized I did everything I could to destroy it many times. But that I still truly love her even now with all of my heart and soul. And that I want her to be a part of my life for as long as I live. I saw her a week ago, and found out that the year we didn't talk she was dating a complete douchebag, but they broke up because he cheated on her. ( Inever once cheated on her by the way) I guess she really didn't like him that much anyway.
Fuck that guy! Anyways, I feel that if I stick around and put effort into it she would take me back. But I've decided to leave and begin to persue my dreams and stuff which sounds corny but whatever. But I still need her so bad. It was tough being with her. At first a little uncormfortable and distant but then everything calmed, and I loved talking to her. I've talked more in a couple hours with her than I have to anyone all year. Our faces became closer until we were about three inches away. I love listening to her talk, I love her laugh. WE held each other, carressd my chest and biceps like she used to as I kissed and inhaled the back of her neck. She smells soooooo good. I've hurt her in so many ways that I couldn't bring myself to try again because I know I'd hurt her again because I have a lot of unfinished business to attend to. So I have to let that piece of our reltionship die. But I really want to begin and build a strong friendship with her. Before when we broke up all those other times I was too controlling and jealous to just be friends but now I am mature. Quick note, I'm living with my parents before I move to Cali to save money and my dad just walked in and I'm pretty sure he knows I'm drunk...yes he knows. I'm gonna go fuck with him a little. I love all of youy!!!!!!!

It's Dom/Sub play, think Secretary.
pinback AND etid? awesome.