Last night I got really drunk and got suckered into hosting an open mic comedy contest. The original MC got arrested for some crazy shit, I can't really remember what it was, but I assure you it was crazy. And none of the comedians wanted to host, and I was offered 100 bucks and free drinks from the house, so I thought to myself 'fuck it, how hard can it be?' (never hosted before) I ended up having to cram 13 comedians in an hour and hlf time slot, tripped on stage and hit my head, almost got beat up afterwards by some drunkin redneck for my Al Quieda bit, and got offered a paying gig in battle mountain by their District attourney who also happens to own the only comedy club in the area. needless to say Last night fuckin rocked. I'm hosting again this coming thursday. If anybody happens to be in reno, it's at the 'Great basin Brewing co.'
9pm to 10:30.
9pm to 10:30.