well kids, that about does it for me! My membership to this fantastic site officially ends on the 17th of this month. I've met so many wonderful people, and it was somewhat theraputic keeping up a journal that like-minded people had the option to read and comment on. It's interesting looking back on all of my past journal entries. A lot has happened to me...
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so let me tell you guys what happened last saturday. I go to this great party at some big wherehouse. my friend emily was celebrating her birhtday and her band was playing with a couple of others, then some theater group, then a dj. kegs, full bar,food etc. A bunch of us went including a lot of the people i work with who are so...
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It was cool meeting you last night. You seem to be a really cool person who I'd love to hang out with more. We'll definitely have to meet up and kick it sometime.
Yeah, well in the wise words of Eazy E, "You may have lots of bitches but I got much more!"
So are you staying here or leaving?
So are you staying here or leaving?
The day the dopes came over
i was sitting at home, peeking through the
blinds at my neighbor's wife, minding my own
business, when my doorbell rang. "Who's there?"
I shouted. " We don't know," came the reply. I immediately
knew the dopes had come over.
I opened the door and invited them in. I was happy
to have company even if they were a...
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i was sitting at home, peeking through the
blinds at my neighbor's wife, minding my own
business, when my doorbell rang. "Who's there?"
I shouted. " We don't know," came the reply. I immediately
knew the dopes had come over.
I opened the door and invited them in. I was happy
to have company even if they were a...
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I went to see soda and his million piece band!
manana amigo 

Roommates out of town for one week which has been great. Now it's time to be alone and to think. Coffee and chainsmoking all day, two bottles of chilean wine at night, pockets stuffed with random scribblings. Needless to say, i'm depressed. and i think i know why. 2004 has been a great year for me, i've accomplished so much, and have grown in so...
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indeed this raining shit has got to go....it's making my mohawk wilt so i can't put it up!
Cheer up man, at least we're willing to admit that we were once assholes, and rectify the situation. I even appologized to one prior girl-type-friend. She didn't understand why I was apologizing.
fuck i'm blocked. nothing happening, nothing formulating,nothing,nothing. man that word feels so perfectly devestating right now. well's that's slightly exaggerated i'm just sort of bummed. i knew this would happen too. I talked about it in too many drunkin conversations, over too many cups of denny's watered down house blend, chainsmoking brand names that are becoming more and more generic with my steadily diminishing bank...
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Muchas gracias!
I need to go to one of your sets. That'd be sweet.
And I promise never to make you read a screenplay. Unless you piss me off. So please... for your own sake... don't piss me off.
SGLA drinking night on the 8th. I'm trying to dig up the cash for it. Are you game?
And I promise never to make you read a screenplay. Unless you piss me off. So please... for your own sake... don't piss me off.
SGLA drinking night on the 8th. I'm trying to dig up the cash for it. Are you game?
fuck i'm blocked. nothing happening, nothing formulating,nothing,nothing. man that word feels so perfectly devestating right now. well's that's slightly exaggerated i'm just sort of bummed. i knew this would happen too. I talked about it in too many drunkin conversations, over too many cups of denny's watered down house blend, chainsmoking brand names that are becoming more and more generic with my steadily diminishing bank...
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I've been digging my job a lot lately, it doesn't pay well but I am getting to know a lot of the customers and finally making some good tips. The people I work with are fucking rad. All very interesting and down to earth. I get free bread, coffee, not bad at all. The girls next door are so pretty and funny and love to...
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Yeah, at a certain point having one's own place is critical to maintaining your sanity. Was for me, that's for sure. Cheers!
I need to upgrade my damn room! It's the only part of our apartment that isn't nice yet, but I'm in here all the time.
Oh well, nothing I can do till the money starts coming in.
I called you a couple times before New Years, but I never got through. I ended up stuck in Phoenix, which sucked.
Any job openings at your bakery? I'm applyong at Frys Electronics, Best Buy, and a few others tomorrow. The coffee shop hired me, sort of, but they don't need anyone untill February.
Oh well, nothing I can do till the money starts coming in.
I called you a couple times before New Years, but I never got through. I ended up stuck in Phoenix, which sucked.
Any job openings at your bakery? I'm applyong at Frys Electronics, Best Buy, and a few others tomorrow. The coffee shop hired me, sort of, but they don't need anyone untill February.
Happy B-day baby jesus!!! You are as magical as you are hung like the donkey your momma rode into bethlehem ( is that spelled right? ) p.s. Mel Gibson made a movie about you that was released on DVD three months ago. Take my advice, don't rent it. It might make you a little squeamish. Rent 'Elf' instead, it has some cute and funny parts...
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thanks. we have the many friends in common.
-merry stuff-day to you.
-merry stuff-day to you.
ha i made it on . might be in lala land after the first...

Hello, how are you? I'm fine. I just had a great couple of days off. First I got invited to a party in hollywood actually thrown in a giant house designed and built by Frank Lloyd Write. Live music, free booze, very trendy hollywood of course, but sometimes that can be just as cool if you roll with a group of down to earth people....
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You can have alien Natasha then, but I get her when she's in hot naked form!
My roomates went to a Groundlings show on Sunday for Sam's birthday. Where you there? I didn't see you, probably because I wasn't invited
Stupid boyfriend/girlfriend roomates.
And yes. I totally ripped off Casablanca there. But not before Bogart ripped off Return of the Living Dead.
My roomates went to a Groundlings show on Sunday for Sam's birthday. Where you there? I didn't see you, probably because I wasn't invited

And yes. I totally ripped off Casablanca there. But not before Bogart ripped off Return of the Living Dead.

Silly? Where? Merry Christmas to you too.
Ahhh 25! I am truly a man now!!! I am writing this with my shirt off exposing my broad, hairy chest and muscles and I'm chewing on a very rare hunk of meat. Thank you all so much for the B-Day wishes!!! It really meant a lot to come home, drink some vino, and read your comments. It was sort of a lonely day, being...
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Ummm, yeah. I'll have to give you a call tomorrow, once I figure out when we're boozing it up.

Grrr... you manly man you!
I haven't updated in awhile because I've been so busy with work, school, comedy,etc. But everything is going great so far. I really dig being busy with stuff that I love. My improv class is such a great release. All the people (minus this one fucking retard) are awesome. It's amazing how affectionate everyone is with each other after their guards are dropped. And nothing...
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happy birthday dude! have a fucking great one!
happy birthday.

Happy Thanksgiving all my homies in Naked tatooed Lady Land!!!!!!!!Have some
< that is a turkey!!! Unless your a vegan or vegetarian then have a
<.....that of course is a carrot.

i did drunk housecleaning.......
can you forgive me?
can you forgive me?

It took me 31 hours to watch season one of "24". I'm a zombie.

I'll miss you!