Hello from the bartender- tonight was slow but I got to see the girl I have a crush on. She looks a little like belindaa carlile with that big booming smile that lights up the whole place like the fourth of July. Anyway there is this new girl from Fargo who I have a crush on- I don't know whats the matter with me I...
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Just wanted to let you know, there's a new Bartenders group, in case you are interested. smile
HeyYa All- Another night slinging drinks , so many dumb-.asses it makes my head hurt. I saw a pretty cute girl tonight- she was very flirty, but was hanging out with some other dude-Oh well! I can't do this shit much longer cause the stupid drunks are wearing me out- I once thought I was a lifer in this profession cause of the mad cash,...
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I hear you man. I'm a bouncer and I hate working with drunks.
What bar do you work at? I live in Mpls and probably know your club.
good, i like to be spanked!