bacon making, in pictures.
the cure ingredients (beer is always involved when dealing with large amounts of meat, even though it never touched my bacon).

the meat.

the meat, in curing bags, along with sexy model.

the meat in the cooling chambers.

the smoker, pre-construction (again, beer is required to play with power tools).

the smoker, constructed.

the cured pork, drying.

pork prepped for smoking.

and the final product.

it was fucking delicious. i will never buy bacon again.
the cure ingredients (beer is always involved when dealing with large amounts of meat, even though it never touched my bacon).

the meat.

the meat, in curing bags, along with sexy model.

the meat in the cooling chambers.

the smoker, pre-construction (again, beer is required to play with power tools).

the smoker, constructed.

the cured pork, drying.

pork prepped for smoking.

and the final product.

it was fucking delicious. i will never buy bacon again.
And thats nice to have.
and SUCH a soundtrack. My god.