bacon making has commenced. three 5 lbs slabs of pork belly, three different brines. one will be a dark sugar, one will be a maple syrup, and the other will be a standard brine. probably going to ikea tonight to buy a locker to turn into the smoker. yeah, i'm ghetto like that. pictures to come soon.
You have no idea. It's fantastic.

I can't find one exactly that I like right now on the Dell website but I am wanting a Vista OS, about 4 GB RAM, an NVIDEA GeForce graphics card - a really fucking good one whatever that happens to be, and an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4+ GHz processor (or better if not too much more expensive), a CD/ DVD drive of course, and "plenty of hard drive space." I dunno, you probably know more than me but I am just wanting something that I can play video games with and I won't have to worry, "Gee, can my computer support this?" for a while before needing to upgrade.