someone went out and got incredibly drunk tonight, and i think it's me!
...that's a rarity.
all i know is that i miss a. badly. i've forgotten how much it meant for me to crawl into bed next to her.
...christ i sound like a creep.
listening to: Muslimgauze - "Return Of Black September" in it's entirity.
someone went out and got incredibly drunk tonight, and i think it's me!
...that's a rarity.
all i know is that i miss a. badly. i've forgotten how much it meant for me to crawl into bed next to her.
...christ i sound like a creep.
listening to: Muslimgauze - "Return Of Black September" in it's entirity.
naw, you sound like a normal guy to me......except for that muslimgauze stuff.......happy hangover!!!!!