yeah, so I'm sick. I don't know how, but I got this nasty cold. I don't know about you guys, but I have little rituals I do when I'm sick.
1. Watch Star Wars, all three of the originals. I'm going to try and talk my roomate into going to the video store and getting me the new ones too. I know they suck, but hey, its better than nothing.
2. Drink Jagermeister. It tastes better than Nyquil, leaves less of a hangover, and helps pass the time.
3. Play RPG video games. Final Fantasy 7 is still #1!
But I need help on what good sick food is. Normally I'd go right for chicken noodle soup, but I don't have any. I'm thinking maybe hot/spicy stuff since my stomach feels okay. Any thought?
1. Watch Star Wars, all three of the originals. I'm going to try and talk my roomate into going to the video store and getting me the new ones too. I know they suck, but hey, its better than nothing.
2. Drink Jagermeister. It tastes better than Nyquil, leaves less of a hangover, and helps pass the time.
3. Play RPG video games. Final Fantasy 7 is still #1!
But I need help on what good sick food is. Normally I'd go right for chicken noodle soup, but I don't have any. I'm thinking maybe hot/spicy stuff since my stomach feels okay. Any thought?
Other than that? The Price is Right always works.
Hope you feel better.