What to say. I have so many things on my mind I'll try to steer clear of circles. I wasnt' sure about coming back here or not but I gave in and tacked up another month. I've been a little jaded here lately so there was a little indifference of reason to come back. But If I looked I could probably find morereasons to stay. Heh
So last night the rain was unexpected. I went out side to breath the cool air and take in the smells of the winter night (I find it..I don't know, envigerating..the feeling of the crisp air, the feel of nature) and a minute later the rain dropped. I just stood there for about 10 minutes, barefooted with my old black Nautica jacket on and hood overhead watching my breath develop.
I didnt end up going to bed until around 5:30 am. Fuckin latest I've stayed up in a long time. GET THIS though.... part of the reason I stayed up so late was to keep an eye out around my house. Yes; can you beleive this SHIT! The realator who is selling our house came up with clients and said "Did you know that all 4 tires on your jeep are completely flat" Whattttt? ...I went out front and sure enough they were and the tires on the drivers side of my car were flat also. So I kinda got this weird surreal feeling like what the fuck? What is this? Did this just happen. I tried to fill the tires bakc up with the air compressor hoping the fuckers had just let the air out but NOOO they fucking PUNCTURED THEM!! No Joke. Got fucking pissed off. Made a police report. CSI came out and dusted for fingerprints and recorded puncture areas. That shit was pretty interesting, me and my brother talked to the guy about his job. I was making a joke about it being the new tv spin off; CSI Irvine: inside the bubble investigations.
Alls I gots to say to the assholes who did that shit is its gonna come full circle. Aequitas motherfuckers. I believe in that sort of thing. So I've been w/o a car for 2 days; tommorrow I'm getting it towed to get tires. The bullshit thing though is that I will probably have to pay outta my pocket because the price of the 2 tires might be less then my deductible. I guess atleast they'll pay for the towing. This whole thing is so random though. I never thought about ever that someone might slash my tires. Just chalk it up on the list of things life throws at you. I haveee had speakers stolen from the trunk of my car but that was at a party in LA at a full ghetto venue early early in the morning. Totally different situation. So I'm gonna peace out and go watch conan. Keep an eye out for the tire slashing gremlins. They might be in yourrr neighborhood.
So last night the rain was unexpected. I went out side to breath the cool air and take in the smells of the winter night (I find it..I don't know, envigerating..the feeling of the crisp air, the feel of nature) and a minute later the rain dropped. I just stood there for about 10 minutes, barefooted with my old black Nautica jacket on and hood overhead watching my breath develop.
I didnt end up going to bed until around 5:30 am. Fuckin latest I've stayed up in a long time. GET THIS though.... part of the reason I stayed up so late was to keep an eye out around my house. Yes; can you beleive this SHIT! The realator who is selling our house came up with clients and said "Did you know that all 4 tires on your jeep are completely flat" Whattttt? ...I went out front and sure enough they were and the tires on the drivers side of my car were flat also. So I kinda got this weird surreal feeling like what the fuck? What is this? Did this just happen. I tried to fill the tires bakc up with the air compressor hoping the fuckers had just let the air out but NOOO they fucking PUNCTURED THEM!! No Joke. Got fucking pissed off. Made a police report. CSI came out and dusted for fingerprints and recorded puncture areas. That shit was pretty interesting, me and my brother talked to the guy about his job. I was making a joke about it being the new tv spin off; CSI Irvine: inside the bubble investigations.
Alls I gots to say to the assholes who did that shit is its gonna come full circle. Aequitas motherfuckers. I believe in that sort of thing. So I've been w/o a car for 2 days; tommorrow I'm getting it towed to get tires. The bullshit thing though is that I will probably have to pay outta my pocket because the price of the 2 tires might be less then my deductible. I guess atleast they'll pay for the towing. This whole thing is so random though. I never thought about ever that someone might slash my tires. Just chalk it up on the list of things life throws at you. I haveee had speakers stolen from the trunk of my car but that was at a party in LA at a full ghetto venue early early in the morning. Totally different situation. So I'm gonna peace out and go watch conan. Keep an eye out for the tire slashing gremlins. They might be in yourrr neighborhood.
And your in Lurve! Good for youuu."
were you able to see footage on the website? why do you mean by " in lurve"?
oohh, tire slashers, that's terrible. and insurance is such a fucking scam!!! hgfstshjy. fuck.
i feel your pain.
ok, it alll makes sense now : ]