Here's a story for the kids.
Well; all could be well. The other night I just ate too much food too late. I stuffed myself and about an hour later I could feel it in my throat.
The gag feeling took a little while to suppress.'
It was good food though. Ate at an old place of work: Rubios.
About a week ago I came up with this new word. "Vagitarian"
It's kind of funny how I think sometimes.
I heard a girl by me say the word vegetarian and we were wathcing t.v.; so there were t.v. sexy women on the screen.
My process of thought;
Vegetarian- women are sexy-I'm a heterosexual male who likes women-vegetarians are only geared towards a specific liking- women have vaginas-kinda similar in sound to vege- so inclusion, I could call myself a VAGITARIAN. It went somthing like that.
Hence the origin. Aint it great.
There have been full moons grazing the night sky lately. The other night i wished I had a digiatl camera so I could take an artsy picture of a full moon. Fool moons set in the night are intriguing.
Other then that I really want to see "Kill Bill" and "house of tha dead". Gotta get to it.
I have a test thursday. Philosophy of Religion.
It's heavy duty stuff. Lots and lots of terms and people to know. It's kinda interesting; kinda monotonous: kind of "what the fuck are you talking about".
It's cool. I just don't like the attending class part.
Well; anyways. This aint no diary. This aint my life story.
Se la vie
Well; all could be well. The other night I just ate too much food too late. I stuffed myself and about an hour later I could feel it in my throat.
The gag feeling took a little while to suppress.'
It was good food though. Ate at an old place of work: Rubios.
About a week ago I came up with this new word. "Vagitarian"
It's kind of funny how I think sometimes.
I heard a girl by me say the word vegetarian and we were wathcing t.v.; so there were t.v. sexy women on the screen.
My process of thought;
Vegetarian- women are sexy-I'm a heterosexual male who likes women-vegetarians are only geared towards a specific liking- women have vaginas-kinda similar in sound to vege- so inclusion, I could call myself a VAGITARIAN. It went somthing like that.
Hence the origin. Aint it great.
There have been full moons grazing the night sky lately. The other night i wished I had a digiatl camera so I could take an artsy picture of a full moon. Fool moons set in the night are intriguing.
Other then that I really want to see "Kill Bill" and "house of tha dead". Gotta get to it.
I have a test thursday. Philosophy of Religion.
It's heavy duty stuff. Lots and lots of terms and people to know. It's kinda interesting; kinda monotonous: kind of "what the fuck are you talking about".
It's cool. I just don't like the attending class part.
Well; anyways. This aint no diary. This aint my life story.
Se la vie
Ha ha. You said vagina.
i've been on a strictly vagie diet for a while now