I saw Jeepers Creepers 2 on sunday. Man was it lame as ever. Now now, before you go laughing becuz I even wanted to see the movie in the first place; I thought the first one was a great movie. I even bought it on DVD. I expected a little bit of cheesiness out of the second one but damn! Not a whole brick of cheese.
So I've lost faith in going to the theatres for a little while. Until Underworld comes out anyways. That movies gonna be the shit.
So right now I'm fully jaded with life. I've been trying to see the good in the bad. The light in the dark but fuck; it helps a little then goes right back to normal. I'll keep pushing though becuz I'm not gonna be a sucka.
I just feel so numb all the time; I'm slow and feel void of exsistance. I don't really know what the problem is.
I'ts a curse I tells yah, a voodoo curse. Sombodies holding my doll in their hand right now and pulling out the stuffing.
So yah; the new Atmosphere album is supah. So many good songs on it. I'm gonna try and hit up his show in LA come late September. Supposedly he's gonna be rockin mostly tracks from the new album. And he's gonna release another Sad Clown cd ta boot.
Hell yah for that.
Keep hope alive.
So I've lost faith in going to the theatres for a little while. Until Underworld comes out anyways. That movies gonna be the shit.
So right now I'm fully jaded with life. I've been trying to see the good in the bad. The light in the dark but fuck; it helps a little then goes right back to normal. I'll keep pushing though becuz I'm not gonna be a sucka.
I just feel so numb all the time; I'm slow and feel void of exsistance. I don't really know what the problem is.
I'ts a curse I tells yah, a voodoo curse. Sombodies holding my doll in their hand right now and pulling out the stuffing.
So yah; the new Atmosphere album is supah. So many good songs on it. I'm gonna try and hit up his show in LA come late September. Supposedly he's gonna be rockin mostly tracks from the new album. And he's gonna release another Sad Clown cd ta boot.
Hell yah for that.
Keep hope alive.
Not gonna see Revolutions or ROTK?