Jeeee-sus, could it get any hotter. I'm glad I don't live in the valley or the desert. Shit. The sun is not my friend. I get slightly tanned but mostly burn lobster style. I haven't been too the beach yet this summer so I really haven't been burnt yet. But my house, oh man, My house is like a furnace. It was about a 90 degrees in my room last and that was with the fan on and only boxers. No comforter mind you, that would just be not smart. So I'm sweatin beads running down my sides with my shirt off. I'm gonna go take a shower then head out to my college and pick up a class catalong. I'll probably go small this coming semester to ease back in. Other then that I think I might spead the SG love today with stickers. I was at Tower recs last night and saw sticker piles up at the counter so I might drop some of there. I've still got an abundance left from previous orders.
Later for now and stay coooollll. Don't you wish your city had misters on the sidewalks like Palm Springs. Damn that's cool. Literallly.
update: Mission accomplished with spreading SG propagands
* Mission Impossible music plays in background*
Dooo do do............ Aww you know how it goes
Later for now and stay coooollll. Don't you wish your city had misters on the sidewalks like Palm Springs. Damn that's cool. Literallly.

update: Mission accomplished with spreading SG propagands
* Mission Impossible music plays in background*
Dooo do do............ Aww you know how it goes
PS dont go to venice, you will get aids.