I care, I really do.
But apathy is a demon given birth to by the mid 19th century.
A demon who has spawned and clouded our atmosphere with excrement. A continous wing surrounding the earth.
I feel bad when there's things I should be suprised by but I'm not or when there's things I should be sad about but I'm not. But how could you be with the shit we have been fed since we were little. Or the murder, death, kill, anger that we are being constantly fed with every day.
I try not to consume anymore. My mind is numb and my heart is allready cold. These past two years have been a journey for me from one end of the spectrum to the other and back again. From heaven to hell back to somewhere in between.
It is funny how we spend countless hours learning and living but sometimes just want to turn off our brains. Atleast I feel that way sometimes.
I must say things have been looking up for me in the past couple of months though. SG has kinda been like a light at the end of the tunnel in some way. My heart is growing more warm and I'm having a garage sale in my mind.
There are some very interesting and intelligent people on this website.
Fear and anger. What a waste of human emotion. Would people be complete with out the two of these though? I know I could do without fear.
I have so many things that I want to write but I can forget some of them in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds.
My mind moves to fast; the rest of my bodies systems can't even keep up. I find myself skipping words when I type all the time.
The one thing I want most is peace of mind without having pieces of my mind everywhere.
All I really can do is strap in my seat belt and be ready to put my hand on the parking break. I don't know if I'll ever have control of the steering wheel. The road stretces to far to have control over the vehicle all the time.
Or maybe I just need a new car.
She tells me " Dude, just live your life"
I'm tryin
Sporatic thoughts from a sporatic mind.
I may not show it but believe me I care.
One day maybe the care will show up on my doorstep or I will show up on hers. One day
Q: Do opposites attract and if they do does it usually work out?
Q: Who is your greatest inspiration at the moment or
who has been the greatest in your past to make
who you are today.
Whoah! too many whos
But apathy is a demon given birth to by the mid 19th century.
A demon who has spawned and clouded our atmosphere with excrement. A continous wing surrounding the earth.
I feel bad when there's things I should be suprised by but I'm not or when there's things I should be sad about but I'm not. But how could you be with the shit we have been fed since we were little. Or the murder, death, kill, anger that we are being constantly fed with every day.
I try not to consume anymore. My mind is numb and my heart is allready cold. These past two years have been a journey for me from one end of the spectrum to the other and back again. From heaven to hell back to somewhere in between.
It is funny how we spend countless hours learning and living but sometimes just want to turn off our brains. Atleast I feel that way sometimes.
I must say things have been looking up for me in the past couple of months though. SG has kinda been like a light at the end of the tunnel in some way. My heart is growing more warm and I'm having a garage sale in my mind.
There are some very interesting and intelligent people on this website.
Fear and anger. What a waste of human emotion. Would people be complete with out the two of these though? I know I could do without fear.
I have so many things that I want to write but I can forget some of them in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds.
My mind moves to fast; the rest of my bodies systems can't even keep up. I find myself skipping words when I type all the time.
The one thing I want most is peace of mind without having pieces of my mind everywhere.
All I really can do is strap in my seat belt and be ready to put my hand on the parking break. I don't know if I'll ever have control of the steering wheel. The road stretces to far to have control over the vehicle all the time.
Or maybe I just need a new car.
She tells me " Dude, just live your life"
I'm tryin
Sporatic thoughts from a sporatic mind.
I may not show it but believe me I care.
One day maybe the care will show up on my doorstep or I will show up on hers. One day
Q: Do opposites attract and if they do does it usually work out?
Q: Who is your greatest inspiration at the moment or
who has been the greatest in your past to make
who you are today.
Whoah! too many whos

I can only be so apathetic, when 9/11 hit people where calling my house like cazy, and I wouldn't get out of bed (none of this surprised me in anyway, in fact I was wonder why it didn't happen sooner), it wasn't till my mom called and told me there where people doing head gainers from the top floors that I said, "Alright I have to get up and see this." by then both towers where burning and the Pentagon hit and a forth plane still in the air, I was hoping the last plane could do something good. I was hopping up and down on the couch yelling "Get the house, kill cogress, anialate the senate." It may not be that we don't care, it maybe that we know to much to feel the compation, I know it sucks for people who knew people working in the twin towers (my work at the time had offices there) But if the the terroist had only got the politcians that got us into that perdicament how much would we have cared then. My point being it is not that easy to care about people and things we don't conect with directly, some people can project themselves in situations, and some can only view from their perspective. I'm not sure where I am and I'm not to sure I care. The only life you control is your own, what your life affects is up to you. So fuck it I'm rambling now and I need another drink