Everyone and anyone should go check out null
as there is a really cool Radiohead cover on there that myself and a friend did, as we are the Origami Swan!! There are also some other songs on there as well, which are more grind/noise orientated.
Things are good all and all. I'm gonna try and do another Digital SG piece when I have some free time so all you SG's out there that think I forgot about you, I didn't, I've jsut been really busy.
as there is a really cool Radiohead cover on there that myself and a friend did, as we are the Origami Swan!! There are also some other songs on there as well, which are more grind/noise orientated.
Things are good all and all. I'm gonna try and do another Digital SG piece when I have some free time so all you SG's out there that think I forgot about you, I didn't, I've jsut been really busy.
Hope all is well wirh you

busy is good. It keeps you from either going insane.. or keeps you insane if that is your prefered state.