"The wanderer ends up essentially in the same place that he or she began, if not humbled and even more overwhelemed than before. In a sense the ending could be somewhat tragic, but without experiencing all the lows, how can anyone ever appreciate the amazing subtleties that this world has to offer?
And so, if the search for beauty and understanding is cyclical and unending, then at least we'll never stop experiencing the thrill of the hunt..."
From: Circle Takes The Square- Concept for the goddamn fucking amazing album "As the Roots Undo"
Go check out the song "Non-Objective Portrait of Karma" @ http://www.circletakesthesquare.com
And so, if the search for beauty and understanding is cyclical and unending, then at least we'll never stop experiencing the thrill of the hunt..."
From: Circle Takes The Square- Concept for the goddamn fucking amazing album "As the Roots Undo"
Go check out the song "Non-Objective Portrait of Karma" @ http://www.circletakesthesquare.com
nice work stud!

so.... where ARE you? I keep waiting to read an update or see more art. Hope that, whatever you're doing, you're enjoying yourself.