Update time!
I rather recently shot a SuicideBoys set, therefore if you wish to see me in a similar state of undress as the SG's, go have a look. Atmospheric Chaos: Midnight in Cyan
Partook in road trip down to Seattle this past weekend with a friend, picked up a bunch of beer, engaged in randomness, and spent the evening hanging with the very lovely Adalae, who was most hospitable. Thanks darling
I'm shooting a set with Maiwan on Thursday for Zivity which I'm extremely stoked for....we've got a rather crazy shoot planned, so stay tuned for some shots!
I'm moving on Saturday and its been a stressful few weeks, I'll be glad when its over. We've got a massive deck so I'll have to throw a killer house warming party and make some tasty BBQ.
That's about it, here's a random shot from Seattle on the weekend that I enjoy...

I rather recently shot a SuicideBoys set, therefore if you wish to see me in a similar state of undress as the SG's, go have a look. Atmospheric Chaos: Midnight in Cyan
Partook in road trip down to Seattle this past weekend with a friend, picked up a bunch of beer, engaged in randomness, and spent the evening hanging with the very lovely Adalae, who was most hospitable. Thanks darling

I'm shooting a set with Maiwan on Thursday for Zivity which I'm extremely stoked for....we've got a rather crazy shoot planned, so stay tuned for some shots!
I'm moving on Saturday and its been a stressful few weeks, I'll be glad when its over. We've got a massive deck so I'll have to throw a killer house warming party and make some tasty BBQ.
That's about it, here's a random shot from Seattle on the weekend that I enjoy...

is that so... hmmm!
well actually im staying in chicago during the summer