Hey hey!
Buisness first:
Other buisness second:
Ode to Pan
And party:
Theme was 80's, I went for Madonna. I hate to say it but I was last minute this year
I usually try soo soo hard for Halloween!
My boss, super good Dee Snyder:
And for everyone who knows him, Bryan was a 80's rapper hahaha:
And thats it!
Btw I made vodka gummy bears, cause I was reading the paper and they were saying that's how kids are getting drunk these days and of course my first thought was WOW! that sounds awesome.
It was.
Buisness first:

Other buisness second:

Ode to Pan
And party:
Theme was 80's, I went for Madonna. I hate to say it but I was last minute this year

My boss, super good Dee Snyder:

And for everyone who knows him, Bryan was a 80's rapper hahaha:

And thats it!

Btw I made vodka gummy bears, cause I was reading the paper and they were saying that's how kids are getting drunk these days and of course my first thought was WOW! that sounds awesome.
It was.
BTW, nice picture.