I'm out shopping on sunday. This is a huge mall, the kind that had streets inside the parking lot. I get to the edge of the lot, and check, then turn onto the street.So I've got my windows down, and as I'm going forward (remember, this is a parking lot, it's 10-15 km an hour), a family decides theyre crossing in front of me. Now, this isnt a crosswalk, but fine, i'll stop, you go, you're already halfway through my lane. So I sit and wait patiently, until the last kid is about 4-5 feet away from my car. So I start to go forward slowly, when to my surprise, I hear running and a loud man's voice going HEY!
So as I turn my head, all I had time to see was a giant arm and hand entering my window.
THE ASSHOLE TRIED TO HIT ME!!!! I only had time to pull my head away and look at him to see what the fuck was going on, and I saw surprise in his face as if he'd only just realised that A) I'm a girl and B) he just tried to fucking hit me.
Now I get being protective of your kids, I do. But I never even came close to hit his kid, and how about next time you try prevention, as in, if youre gonna cross the street where you're not supposed to, how about you have your kid in front of you, where you can see him, or next to you. NOT LETTING A 6 YEAR OLD BOY TRAIL BEHIND.
I was so fucking shook up I just rolled up the windows and drove off. Then everyone tells me I should have followed him to his car taken down the liscence plate and reptorted it to the police.
Well that's passed, but a lesson was learned.
Don't drive with your windows down in a parking lot. There are some crazy people out there.
I'm out shopping on sunday. This is a huge mall, the kind that had streets inside the parking lot. I get to the edge of the lot, and check, then turn onto the street.So I've got my windows down, and as I'm going forward (remember, this is a parking lot, it's 10-15 km an hour), a family decides theyre crossing in front of me. Now, this isnt a crosswalk, but fine, i'll stop, you go, you're already halfway through my lane. So I sit and wait patiently, until the last kid is about 4-5 feet away from my car. So I start to go forward slowly, when to my surprise, I hear running and a loud man's voice going HEY!
So as I turn my head, all I had time to see was a giant arm and hand entering my window.
THE ASSHOLE TRIED TO HIT ME!!!! I only had time to pull my head away and look at him to see what the fuck was going on, and I saw surprise in his face as if he'd only just realised that A) I'm a girl and B) he just tried to fucking hit me.
Now I get being protective of your kids, I do. But I never even came close to hit his kid, and how about next time you try prevention, as in, if youre gonna cross the street where you're not supposed to, how about you have your kid in front of you, where you can see him, or next to you. NOT LETTING A 6 YEAR OLD BOY TRAIL BEHIND.
I was so fucking shook up I just rolled up the windows and drove off. Then everyone tells me I should have followed him to his car taken down the liscence plate and reptorted it to the police.
Well that's passed, but a lesson was learned.
Don't drive with your windows down in a parking lot. There are some crazy people out there.

it's sad to say people like that are everywhere...if only as said above, he would have been looking out for his kid instead of letting it alone in a mall parking lot (even if not really far)Maybe if his kid get kidnapped in a public space, he'll learn a lesson...asshole! trying to hit a girl...*mumbles*

Another lesson - stay away from the fucking malls, someone might try to kill you there.