Again: Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god.
I'm so tired!
Ask me why!
Okay I'll tell you.
So I have a friend, and she moved in in Feb. She moved with a friend of a friend. At the time, this was an ideal situation, she needed a place, the guy had one, was nice about letting her move in at a random time, cool. So turns out the guy is obsessed with her. After only 3 weeks being there, she realized that he watches her sleep.
Um, WTF?!
Soon after, she brought something into her room. He came in and told her she wasn't allowed to. I'm sorry, I didn't realize! His response: Everything under this roof is mine. My things are mine, your things are mine, you are mine.
Okay, so now she needs to get the fuck out. NOW. He's insane!
He went on to tell her he had a gun, where he hides knifes, that he wants to kill her boyfriend, she's not allowed to bring/have friends whatever.
So, I spent last night, until like... 4am moving/packing with her, and woke up at 7:30 to continue until like 10:30, I was working today at 11. He showed up this morning, freaking out about her leaving, telling her friend that he's a dirty nigger and needs to get out of his house or he'll call the cops, meanwhile telling her she has to get all her shit out by 11:30 or she cant come back in for the rest (she's not on the lease), when at that time is unfathomable and a reason more why she needs her friend in the house to help her move. So he's crying like a little bitch <oh why are you doing this to me you have no respect, I know youre going to steal my stuff... wanh wanh blah> only to come back about, I kid you not, 3 minutes later, to say he's sorry, he wants to still be friends, hes not angry, and to offer her money to stay. MONEY. WTF.
So that was my night. Now I'm at work and I have a birthday supper straight away after, didnt shower and been moving furniture all night, and its supposed to be a party night... we'll see how long I last awake haha. And the kicker? My body is sore as hell, AND I'M SHOOTING A SET TOMORROW! We'll see how much more or less bendy I'll be. Let's hope I'm not also hungover.
I'm so tired!
Ask me why!
Okay I'll tell you.
So I have a friend, and she moved in in Feb. She moved with a friend of a friend. At the time, this was an ideal situation, she needed a place, the guy had one, was nice about letting her move in at a random time, cool. So turns out the guy is obsessed with her. After only 3 weeks being there, she realized that he watches her sleep.
Um, WTF?!
Soon after, she brought something into her room. He came in and told her she wasn't allowed to. I'm sorry, I didn't realize! His response: Everything under this roof is mine. My things are mine, your things are mine, you are mine.
Okay, so now she needs to get the fuck out. NOW. He's insane!
He went on to tell her he had a gun, where he hides knifes, that he wants to kill her boyfriend, she's not allowed to bring/have friends whatever.
So, I spent last night, until like... 4am moving/packing with her, and woke up at 7:30 to continue until like 10:30, I was working today at 11. He showed up this morning, freaking out about her leaving, telling her friend that he's a dirty nigger and needs to get out of his house or he'll call the cops, meanwhile telling her she has to get all her shit out by 11:30 or she cant come back in for the rest (she's not on the lease), when at that time is unfathomable and a reason more why she needs her friend in the house to help her move. So he's crying like a little bitch <oh why are you doing this to me you have no respect, I know youre going to steal my stuff... wanh wanh blah> only to come back about, I kid you not, 3 minutes later, to say he's sorry, he wants to still be friends, hes not angry, and to offer her money to stay. MONEY. WTF.
So that was my night. Now I'm at work and I have a birthday supper straight away after, didnt shower and been moving furniture all night, and its supposed to be a party night... we'll see how long I last awake haha. And the kicker? My body is sore as hell, AND I'M SHOOTING A SET TOMORROW! We'll see how much more or less bendy I'll be. Let's hope I'm not also hungover.

but yeah, i made sure i had the money put aside just to buy it. i hate paying $60+ for a video game, but for FF i'm willing to do it
/random journal stalk