I was looking for a pic of a Bicycles May Fall road sign in OR and I found this. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick. Fucking nazis. I just hope they keep up their part of the roads. Sic essen mein sheisse NAzIs!!!!
County Approved Nazi Road Signs Appear Near Salem
author: Some1
Marion County, Oregon officials approve and install (at taxpayer expense) "Adopt-A-Road" signs for the American Nazi Party...
The "Adopt-A-Road" program encourages the public to get involved with volunteering to keep a section of road cleared of trash. In exchange for a committment to carry out a minimum clean-up of 2 times per year, along a section of county road 1 to 2 miles long, the county posts signs displaying the name of the group/family volunteering (along the area of road they have agreed to keep cleaned-up). The county posts signs with the group's name, "In recognition for your efforts," according to their website ( http://publicworks.co.marion.or.us/operations/adoptrd/index.asp).
So, what do the Nazis have to do with this?
According to a story aired by KATU News in Portland today, the American Nazi Party recently applied to Marion County officials to join the Adopt-A-Road program there (near Salem). The Nazis application was duly accepted and the county posted several Adopt-A-Road signs in rural Marion County, the signs publically proclaiming, "American Nazi Party NSM" The signs were installed at taxpayer expense of $250.00 each. See the KATU story by going here: http://www.katu.com/stories/74470.html.
KATU says the application for the Nazis to join the Adopt-A-Road program was made by a "C. Marchand." The application is likely a public record (especially if it was provided to KATU). It would be interesting to see just who this "C. Marchand" is, what contact information was listed on the application, etc. Through exposing who these people are, this publicity stunt by local neo-Nazis just might backfire on them after all. Obviously, it is highly unlikely that these neo-Nazis have any real interest in keeping the roadsides of Marion County clean. No, their purpose is a much different one...
And just who is the "American Nazi Party," anyway? The sign also says "NSM," which stands for the "National Socialist Movement" (their website is: http://www.nsm88.com/). Based in Minnesota, the NSM claims to be the nation's largest neo-Nazi organization. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks racist and neo-Nazi groups), the NSM is led their by "Commander," one Jeff Schoep. Of his NSM, Schoep has said, "We stress legality and we're against people breaking the law." However, Schoep himself has a string of criminal convictions including burglary. And Schoep's NSM Indiana state chapter is led by John Snyder, a registered sex offender. More on the NSM can be found here: http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp....
As evidenced by these Nazi roadsigns and the Marion County government that recently approved and installed them, the NSM has some local members/sympathizers - and that is worthy of some attention. These haters need to be unmasked and stripped of the anonymity that allows things like "American Nazi Party" signs to appear on our roadsides at taxpayer expense.
Follow the paper trail.
County Approved Nazi Road Signs Appear Near Salem
author: Some1
Marion County, Oregon officials approve and install (at taxpayer expense) "Adopt-A-Road" signs for the American Nazi Party...
The "Adopt-A-Road" program encourages the public to get involved with volunteering to keep a section of road cleared of trash. In exchange for a committment to carry out a minimum clean-up of 2 times per year, along a section of county road 1 to 2 miles long, the county posts signs displaying the name of the group/family volunteering (along the area of road they have agreed to keep cleaned-up). The county posts signs with the group's name, "In recognition for your efforts," according to their website ( http://publicworks.co.marion.or.us/operations/adoptrd/index.asp).
So, what do the Nazis have to do with this?
According to a story aired by KATU News in Portland today, the American Nazi Party recently applied to Marion County officials to join the Adopt-A-Road program there (near Salem). The Nazis application was duly accepted and the county posted several Adopt-A-Road signs in rural Marion County, the signs publically proclaiming, "American Nazi Party NSM" The signs were installed at taxpayer expense of $250.00 each. See the KATU story by going here: http://www.katu.com/stories/74470.html.
KATU says the application for the Nazis to join the Adopt-A-Road program was made by a "C. Marchand." The application is likely a public record (especially if it was provided to KATU). It would be interesting to see just who this "C. Marchand" is, what contact information was listed on the application, etc. Through exposing who these people are, this publicity stunt by local neo-Nazis just might backfire on them after all. Obviously, it is highly unlikely that these neo-Nazis have any real interest in keeping the roadsides of Marion County clean. No, their purpose is a much different one...
And just who is the "American Nazi Party," anyway? The sign also says "NSM," which stands for the "National Socialist Movement" (their website is: http://www.nsm88.com/). Based in Minnesota, the NSM claims to be the nation's largest neo-Nazi organization. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks racist and neo-Nazi groups), the NSM is led their by "Commander," one Jeff Schoep. Of his NSM, Schoep has said, "We stress legality and we're against people breaking the law." However, Schoep himself has a string of criminal convictions including burglary. And Schoep's NSM Indiana state chapter is led by John Snyder, a registered sex offender. More on the NSM can be found here: http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp....
As evidenced by these Nazi roadsigns and the Marion County government that recently approved and installed them, the NSM has some local members/sympathizers - and that is worthy of some attention. These haters need to be unmasked and stripped of the anonymity that allows things like "American Nazi Party" signs to appear on our roadsides at taxpayer expense.
Follow the paper trail.