I have been a bit diistant lately. I moved AGAIN. On the good note I adopted a HUGE 9 month old american bulldog. He is about 100 lbs and still a puppy. IHis name when I got him was Claude. That was not dignified enough for him so I renamed him Claudius James Foobar. Some days he is a Claudius others he is just a foobar. IOn the sucky side I am having another exacerbation of my neurological disorder and I had to withdraw from the university DURING MY LAST QUARTER!!!!!! I want to go ballistic on hte OSU MS clinic. I have most every symptom of MS but they tell me I don't. grrrrrrrrrrrr. Furthermore what sucks eveen more is that if I dion't have difinitive diagnosis I will not be approved for Social Security. FUck them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But being able to be on 4 wheels and kicking it with my dog is great.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 02, 2006
I have been a bit diistant lately. I moved AGAIN. On the good note … -
Friday Oct 20, 2006
Sad to say. Foo continued to eat his feet to the point of gangrene. … -
Friday Oct 13, 2006
Foo is about 10 months old and about 28 or 30 inches at the withers. … -
Thursday Oct 12, 2006
Read More -
Tuesday Oct 10, 2006
Damn so much crap to read and do and all in a matter of a few weeks. … -
Tuesday Oct 03, 2006
It seems employers are getting cheaper....not one of the companies I … -
Monday Oct 02, 2006
Well, today was a productive job day. I got three invitations to int… -
Sunday Oct 01, 2006
School is going pretty cool so far. Last quarter woo hoo. I am look… -
Tuesday Sep 19, 2006
WEll, school starts tomorrow.. . last quarter and only 82 days left i… -
Wednesday Sep 06, 2006
Well, another busy day. I applied to a bunch of State of Washington …