Alright, no pinback for amber.
she doesn't have any money. but i'm getting into the distillers for free, and i'll get to meet brody and shit, so i think that's consolation, right? she might be a cunt, but she's pretty punk rock... i'd like to say what's up.
so me and ragtag hung out again FINALLY. i almost forgot what you look like, bri! hehe, just kidding. but anyways. bleaching my hair tomorrow, or i plan on it. a cute haircut is nothing if the color is bland.
anyhoo, i'm tired, so i shall conclude my conferrence until the morrow... or some shit like that. i'll talk to y'all later.

so me and ragtag hung out again FINALLY. i almost forgot what you look like, bri! hehe, just kidding. but anyways. bleaching my hair tomorrow, or i plan on it. a cute haircut is nothing if the color is bland.
anyhoo, i'm tired, so i shall conclude my conferrence until the morrow... or some shit like that. i'll talk to y'all later.