FUCKIN' A, PINBACK IS TONIGHT!!! I MEAN RIGHT? i'm not freaking out fornothing, am i? lemme check the date. it's the eighth. maybe i'm wrong...... is it tonight in tucson? i'm gonna hafta look at yer old posts consuela, cuz i don't effin' remember. anyways. you know what two bands kick ass? thrice and finch. they are pure fuckin' genius. i love it.
heeeeyyyyy giiiirrrlll, pinback is wed. night at nitas i will see there!!!! and you bettah get off work for the show on the 13th!!! yeah so my bud james i best friends with ben gibard so we hung out with them, they are super nice! butt see you soooooooon!!!!!

shiiiiiiittttt we might open for the sg tour!!! vote for us!!!!