wow. i was up at like seven this morning. then me the uncles and jinnicide went to gay denny's. SQUIRRELS UNDER YER ARMS BEEYOTCH!! anyways. so allykat, i gotta get back to ya about hangin with the greasers tonight. me and jin are pumped.!!! yea!! um. so that guy ryan.. you gotta give me his phone number.. i'm gonna tap that fo sho! just kidding. but he is way hot. greasers are hot! anyhoo. hehe. shopping on sunday is gonna kick ass! i already spent like forty bucks last night on cds.. good stuff. we were gonna go to the modified and gawk at boys.. uh, i mean watch good music. but we stopped by zia, and there was a lil punk show goin on there, so we stayed there instead. it was fun. yay! jin is gonna get a job with me.. well another job with me.. hehe. we're gonna end up killing each other, probly. anyhoo. welp. guess i'm done. later y'all!
oh yea. i got cky three!! yippy yi yay!
oh yea. i got cky three!! yippy yi yay!
shopping was so great today, holy crap.
and i do not have squirrels under my arms, so you can eat my ass.
they're just gophers.