The true nature of the being of which we are part is orgasmic joy.
When a being connects to the force that is love, desiring only that all beings may be fulfilled, each according to its own nature... judgement of the self ceases and bliss arises.
Once a being loves and accepts itself it can be free from the fear and suffering of the world.
Through the human form it is possible to embody the impetus at the origin of all manifest creations.
It is this experience of orgasmic bliss through which we first entered into the manifest world.
The power of love, is a creative power...
When such a power is harnessed and directed towards an object of desire it increases and multiplies that object and its complex network of relationships.
By becoming aware of the parts of the self through which creative power is experienced:
-hair, crown
and bringing the attention into those area's and the force of self love through those points of sense we can awaken to the hieghts of pleasure inherent in our being.
Our experience of pleasure is our gift to all of life and existence.
When we experience pleasure (and there is purity in our experience) we honour and truly worship the God that is both within and without the universe.
Learning to connect with what we already are and using the tools which we have for creation is truly the way to become free... hidden beneath our fear and shame we have a divine being ceaselessly writhing in the supreme pleasure of the minds existence.
By using the awareness of the essential bliss of being in the body, any experience we CHOOSE to participate in can be used for connecting with God and owning our creative potential.
To become one with the images, sounds and sensations upon which we focus and direct the being towards increasing those specific elements is our right and duty as beings with the seed of divine consciousness.
When our desire is focused and directed towards increasing the manifestation of the things we desire and is not simply indulging them as they have already been presented we are using our creative power.
When our creative power is manifest along side our search for pleasure we honour the sacred aspect of reality and we become great beings in the eyes of ourself and the great other.
Great gifts are bestowed upon great beings.
If we transmute our subtlest shame and fear into a sacred fire in which we burn our desire and offer our prayers for a beautiful and fulfilling future we become perfect in the eyes of those who would otherwise judge and wish to destroy us.
It is within our power to become pure and live in unity with the suicide girls of our dreaming.
Love first, then pleasure arises and desire becomes infinitely fulfilled.
When a being connects to the force that is love, desiring only that all beings may be fulfilled, each according to its own nature... judgement of the self ceases and bliss arises.
Once a being loves and accepts itself it can be free from the fear and suffering of the world.
Through the human form it is possible to embody the impetus at the origin of all manifest creations.
It is this experience of orgasmic bliss through which we first entered into the manifest world.
The power of love, is a creative power...
When such a power is harnessed and directed towards an object of desire it increases and multiplies that object and its complex network of relationships.
By becoming aware of the parts of the self through which creative power is experienced:
-hair, crown
and bringing the attention into those area's and the force of self love through those points of sense we can awaken to the hieghts of pleasure inherent in our being.
Our experience of pleasure is our gift to all of life and existence.
When we experience pleasure (and there is purity in our experience) we honour and truly worship the God that is both within and without the universe.
Learning to connect with what we already are and using the tools which we have for creation is truly the way to become free... hidden beneath our fear and shame we have a divine being ceaselessly writhing in the supreme pleasure of the minds existence.
By using the awareness of the essential bliss of being in the body, any experience we CHOOSE to participate in can be used for connecting with God and owning our creative potential.
To become one with the images, sounds and sensations upon which we focus and direct the being towards increasing those specific elements is our right and duty as beings with the seed of divine consciousness.
When our desire is focused and directed towards increasing the manifestation of the things we desire and is not simply indulging them as they have already been presented we are using our creative power.
When our creative power is manifest along side our search for pleasure we honour the sacred aspect of reality and we become great beings in the eyes of ourself and the great other.
Great gifts are bestowed upon great beings.
If we transmute our subtlest shame and fear into a sacred fire in which we burn our desire and offer our prayers for a beautiful and fulfilling future we become perfect in the eyes of those who would otherwise judge and wish to destroy us.
It is within our power to become pure and live in unity with the suicide girls of our dreaming.
Love first, then pleasure arises and desire becomes infinitely fulfilled.