T-10 days to Spain.
To that end, I'm planning to steal all the little shampoo and conditioner bottles that this hotel leaves for me. This is a nice hotel, a writer's hotel, I'm told. Apparently, writers need really nice shampoo. I know I do.
I am, of course, not a writer. I'm a reader, a reader with a gross lack of understanding of history. And this week, I'm reading about Hitler. In case you were not sure, he is one freaky, freaky guy. Stross' Atrocity Archives, which I recently finished up, go into great detail about some of the wacko occult beliefs that Hitler et al subscribed to. I kept reading line after line of shit that could not possibly be true, going online to fact check, and finding that, yes, it was all true, all of it.
Here is some Wiki for you if you are curious.
Odinism : did you know that Christianity is a Jewish plot? Neither did I. Wow!
There is much more. All of which made me wonder, how the hell did Hitler rise to power? Who voted for that guy? And of course the corollary, what prevents the next Hitler from rising to power?
From my reading so far, it is not looking good for the human race. There is nothing Hitler did then that today's Hitler couldn't do all over again. In fact, some things, like Odinism, are resurgent today.
I had no idea.
So yeah. Anyhow, T-10 days to Spain. Speaking of which, Spain's king has abdicated. France is having a re-org.