If any of you were wondering, yes, i'm still alive. just...recovering.
I may or may not have had a small mental breakdown after the loss of my job. the world's been crashin' in and it's taken all of me to just barely stay afloat. but things are getting better.
I've started a new job in a new salon. it is extremely small and laid back. nothing near the high-paced, corporate monster that i used to work for. i can be me and not get yelled at for it, so i'm pretty happy. business isn't as fast as i'd like, but i'm getting there slowly. rebuilding your clientele in a new salon on a new side of town is a bitch. If you live in the Atlanta (specifically Sandy Springs area) come in and see me.
Also, I will be entering the North American Hairstylist of the Year Awards for Hair Colorist of the Year for 2011. If you or someone you know would be willing to model for me, that would be awesome!
It snowed in Atlanta on Friday. really really truly snowed.

Unfortunately Saturday and Sunday were both sunny and warm, so all the snow is now gone.
So i guess this update was to let y'all know that i am alive, i've just been off soul-searching. Fortunately this is one of the things i've decided to keep in my life. i'm shooting a new set next month. it will have been a year since my last set, and a lot about me has changed. but enjoying being naked is not one of them.
I may or may not have had a small mental breakdown after the loss of my job. the world's been crashin' in and it's taken all of me to just barely stay afloat. but things are getting better.
I've started a new job in a new salon. it is extremely small and laid back. nothing near the high-paced, corporate monster that i used to work for. i can be me and not get yelled at for it, so i'm pretty happy. business isn't as fast as i'd like, but i'm getting there slowly. rebuilding your clientele in a new salon on a new side of town is a bitch. If you live in the Atlanta (specifically Sandy Springs area) come in and see me.
Also, I will be entering the North American Hairstylist of the Year Awards for Hair Colorist of the Year for 2011. If you or someone you know would be willing to model for me, that would be awesome!
It snowed in Atlanta on Friday. really really truly snowed.

Unfortunately Saturday and Sunday were both sunny and warm, so all the snow is now gone.
So i guess this update was to let y'all know that i am alive, i've just been off soul-searching. Fortunately this is one of the things i've decided to keep in my life. i'm shooting a new set next month. it will have been a year since my last set, and a lot about me has changed. but enjoying being naked is not one of them.