so here's the new tat...

i really really dig it.
i work too hard sometimes i think. i have fucking blisters on my fingers from doing extensions all day yesterday. haha.
then i left work and went over to the boy's house. he made me grilled cheese and we watched Pirates 2. better and dirtier than the first if i do say so myself.
I'm fucking loving life.

i really really dig it.
i work too hard sometimes i think. i have fucking blisters on my fingers from doing extensions all day yesterday. haha.
then i left work and went over to the boy's house. he made me grilled cheese and we watched Pirates 2. better and dirtier than the first if i do say so myself.
I'm fucking loving life.
Ok but um what does it mean?
it's an appreciation of classic pin-up art. only 2 of my tattoos have actual meaning behind them, and they're probably my least favorites. i dont take myself seriously enough to put deep meaning behind my tats because i know i'd just be disappointed in them. the silly ones are my favs.