Hurricane Faye is reeking havok on the ATL. I love rain. But I hate Atlanta drivers. And Atlanta drivers hate rain. Soooooo you can imagine how my morning drives have been.
My effing cat puked all over my favorite boots last night. Of all the places in my house for her to do that, she chose the boots. Suck!
Rent is due in five days. I get paid tomorrow but I still need to make like $150 in tips over the next few days. This is also suck.
I think I miss Indiana. Mostly I miss my lovely best friend Claire-a-belle. She's my upmost favorite recovering anhorexic-stoner-anarchist-feminist-firey red head who attends quaker college on the Indiana-Ohio border working towards a degree in women's studies. Yesterday she picture-messaged me all of her drug parafenalia. Why? Because that's just how she rolls.
My new fake should arrive any day. This is awesome news.
As soon as I sign off I'm heading to work where I will spend nine hours folding towels, shampooing grumpy soccer moms, and basically being everyone's bitch on my way up the corporate ladder. Oh joy, oh rapture.
My effing cat puked all over my favorite boots last night. Of all the places in my house for her to do that, she chose the boots. Suck!
Rent is due in five days. I get paid tomorrow but I still need to make like $150 in tips over the next few days. This is also suck.
I think I miss Indiana. Mostly I miss my lovely best friend Claire-a-belle. She's my upmost favorite recovering anhorexic-stoner-anarchist-feminist-firey red head who attends quaker college on the Indiana-Ohio border working towards a degree in women's studies. Yesterday she picture-messaged me all of her drug parafenalia. Why? Because that's just how she rolls.

My new fake should arrive any day. This is awesome news.
As soon as I sign off I'm heading to work where I will spend nine hours folding towels, shampooing grumpy soccer moms, and basically being everyone's bitch on my way up the corporate ladder. Oh joy, oh rapture.